5 frame nucleus (nuc) colony, which is a starter bee colony with frames of brood, a 2025 mated queen, and resources.
Bee pickup is in the morning from 7-9 am on Saturday’s starting in April. You will be emailed pickup date options in March. Date options will be sent to customers on a first order first choice basis.
Nuc with Unmarked Queen – $200
Nuc with Marked Queen – $210
Please note that this are for farm pickup only, we do not ship bees. Our farm is located in South Texarkana, Texas.
What is included in a nuc? A 5 frame Jester EZ Nuc or ProNuc box filled with bees, a freshly mated 2025 McBs Bees locally raised Italian based queen, 2-3 frames of brood, a resource frame of pollen/honey, and a new frame that the bees are working on.
Please be certain to leave a valid email to allow us to properly communicate with you regarding pickup date and other instructions.
**Please not that ALL bee sales are final, as colonies are created based on colony number requested.
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